
VIP Nerorehabilitation Center San Diego

VIP NeuroRehabilitation Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, run by and for the patients.

We bring top-quality outpatient NeuroRehabilitation care to disabled military, veterans, children, and to ALL who are in need. Located in San Diego, California, we treat adult and pediatric patients, from ages 4 years old and up.
Our focus is on those who have difficulty moving secondary to Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Brain Injury, ALS, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injury, and multiple traumas.

VIP NeuroRehabilitation Center utilizes the most modern equipment and advanced technologies. We work as a team in which you play an active role. Everything is designed and customized to help you reach your full potential.

JEricho Project, NYC

A Holistic Approach to a Healthier Future

At Jericho, people are encouraged to envision a healthier future for themselves and their families and are empowered to take the necessary steps to achieve it. Our programs touch the cornerstones of a person’s life — housing, employment, wellness and family stability. This holistic approach to helping people enables individuals to access extensive, results-based programs at their level of need — whether they are coming to us from a shelter, or are one paycheck away from homelessness.

A More Cost-Effective Society

Through our work, Jericho contributes to a healthier, more cost effective society. We provide all of our life changing services for an annual rate of only $15,000 per adult client, compared to $36,000 for a cot in a New York City shelter, $70,000 for a room in a family shelter and $118,000 for a New York City jail cell.

Rescue afghan women now

Rescue Afghan Women Now (RAWN) is a group of Americans dedicated to helping Afghan women who served in the army or police to escape capture, torture, and death at the hands of the Taliban. RAWN coordinates its efforts with various
organizations, including members of the US military, veteran and intelligence communities, and non-profits.

Their goal is to rescue approximately 95 Afghan women who served in the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), as well as their spouses and children (for a total of over 200 individuals).
The group comprises the remaining members of Female Tactical Platoon (FTP), other women in the Afghan National Army (ANA), and Afghan National Police (ANP) still stranded throughout the country. The FTPs are considered to be one
of the most at-risk groups in Afghanistan, as reports indicate that the Taliban have “kill on site” orders.

Sekiwunga, uganda

Clean water is essential for sustaining life, supporting health, and promoting development. It’s crucial for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, and industry. Access to clean water prevents diseases, enhances food security, and fosters economic growth. Preserving water sources ensures environmental sustainability, safeguarding ecosystems and biodiversity for current and future generations

Sekiwunga, Uganda was the community that Beyond the Teams facilitated a professionally manufactured and installed freshwater well, providing the school and community with a source of fresh and drinkable water.

Trident House Charities Program

Support Special Operations Forces & Their Families

The main objective of the Navy SEAL Museum is to promote public education by providing the opportunity to explore the history of the Navy SEALs through interactive exhibits, while honoring the fallen at the SEAL Memorial and caring
for those warriors’ families through the Trident House Charities Program.

We provide care by way of Family Support for additional medical needs not covered by Federal funding, The Scholarship Program for children of the Special Operations community, the Trident House respite home, and the K9 Project for